Thursday, November 28, 2013


I decided to take something non-traditional to our feast
I started chopping onions....the recipe calls for 5 tablespoons, but I didn't measure...

A can of chopped chilies, drained

The juice of one small lime.  Well...this said 3 tablespoons but how do you get exactly that, and what do you do with any left over?  Would you really cut a second lime if you were a little short?   I suppose I could handle lime juice the same way I do garlic...again...why measure?

Do you know what I am making?

The recipe calls for a clove of garlic minced.
I don't mince words.  I don't mince garlic.
So.  A teaspoon of garlic from a jar in the fridge

In a big bowl
Two avocados cut small, then mashed.

Mix all the stuff above in

Add freshly ground pepper, about 1/2 teaspoon, but really to taste
And then sea salt...I like a good amount...but you can use less if you have salty chips.

This is some awesome Guacamole...great with that pre dinner sitting around with a drink in your hand, at Fourth of July parties, birthday celebrations and, yes, Thanksgiving.  



  1. We're big guacamole fans and make it a little different every time depending on what is on hand. Your recipe sounds delicious.


  2. Thanks. It was too. I think the garlic is the key.

  3. I have to try it!
    I have barely ever bought avocados and am just getting into them...I like 'em.
    That's my friend, Darla up there ;)
