Friday, January 3, 2014

There is a cat infestation in our home.

Sometimes you don't notice them.  They go outside or they stay under the furniture and there is little sign of the furry little things.

But tonight, there are three big kitties trying to take over our bed.  And they like the spots where we go.

To be fair, Mittens, our queen kitty, is on the shelf below the window.  She moved there when the others arrived.  She does not like to associate with them.  If you watch a minute you will see why.

As I leverage my legs into the bed around Jasmine, she tenses her long black self and pounces on Lila, who is on Jim's side of the bed, minding her own business.  They swat at each other for a minute and then run off.  But not for near long enough.  They jostle each other for position but unless we close the door, the bed is theirs and we are just warmers....

And if we do close the door, sigh....

You would not believe to look of our door frame.  Really it is shredded.   Kitties do not knock.  They stand up and claw along the door.  It is, after all, their room, and their bed.

Little bed hogs, but we love them.


  1. Oh, I love this kind of infestation!!
    You just described the personalities of my cats!
    I love the pretty black and white one :)

  2. Lila...our pound kitty. So sweet and never claws or bites, but wow is she a mouser.
