As a woman who works, who has kids, who has a husband of a certain age, I want to express my gratitude for life's conveniences.
I have to say I am glad I don't have to get up and stoke a stove to warm the house before I cook breakfast on the top of it. For that matter, I don't have to go out and snatch the eggs out from under a chicken either. The guy who invented the refrigerator is second only to the guy who invented frozen food items, in my humble opinion.
Gas stoves, central heat, air conditioning. Dishwashers!
Can you imagine having to bake bread every few days? Your grandmother probably did.
And laundry? Ever see one of those old wringer machines? Looks like a torture device to me. Then hangin it up, and taking it down....and everything back then needed ironed. I bet it was a woman who invented the wrinkle free fabrics....
People talk about how life was simpler back in the day, but I have to say, those people had wives to do their housework, and they had the nerve to say they didn't work. Today men recognize that keeping a house is work too, but too often when both spouses work they view household chores as something they do to "help their wife." As if it is her house to clean, her dinner to cook or her kid who needs bathed. And don't get me started on the man who says he has to babysit his own kid when his wife is busy!
It's called parenting, and it's your kid too.
Here's to the stay at home wives and mothers, now and then. Their work is under appreciated and never done. Take time this week to thank your mom, or someone like her, for all they do.
Indeed! Well said.