Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Vikings looking out for us

Vikings aren't bad guys, they are just misunderstood.
They wandered the world they knew, braving the oceans to bring back treasure for those they loved, and also watching each other's back.  Hunters, explorers, and ok, opportunists, but what men!  I don't think there are any left today who could go where they went with the tools they had.
What do you think of this guy?  I picked him up at an auction, in a box of old dolls.  Don't think anyone had noticed him in there or they would have sold him separately.  He is a Laurdis Lonborg Danish teak sculpture from the 1960's.  So smooth and modern, this little Viking comes with his spear and his little round shield, and his eyes are wide open, keeping an eye on things.
But the best thing about this little guy is, when things get bad, and everyone around you is losing their head, his head pops off to clean up the mess.  :).
He is an awesome little lint brush!   Don't you love it?

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